Becoming more and more numerous around the world is the category of online business. E-commerce has exploded onto the scene, and due to the connectivity of the world, now anyone can make an online business. There are so many forms in which you can follow such as sales for products and services, alluring traffic to having your cash flow entirely made up from advertisements.
But for every website, the need overall is to attract the most traffic through the door in the first place. The simple techniques are still the most effective, but even they have had to evolve to keep up with modern practices. They have transformed and as ever in business, improved and taken on new roles in the online world. Marketing was always an art form, but now the key point for this such genre is to facilitate an online world of casual shoppers and hundreds of millions of people who are just plainly browsing.
Converting a curious click into a sale can be a complicated process, but a completely necessary one. Exploring the newest strategies of existing techniques can accelerate this, however.
Emotional Marketing
What we’re seeing now in the media and the marketing tactics deployed by the big brands is something of a twist. For many years the clickbait or bait and switch technique was the main tool of choice for many businesses. What you’d see is an outrageous video ad, that ran short and needed the viewer to click on the promotion to find out what happens next, and then only to find out nothing spectacular happened. Other such techniques involved writing a misleading title or changing the thumbnail into something sensationalist for a video on social sharing websites.
However, this is fast becoming a thing of the past. This isn’t just because the masses have caught on and don’t like to be constantly misled by brands, because it brews up mistrust, but because emotional marketing is making waves. Form your video advertisements, you should think of a story in which your product can be intertwined effortlessly. It must show something relatable, and then represent your product, service, business or brand as something that makes life easier or better.
Likewise with a page advertisement that uses images and text, that rotate like a slideshow. There must be a conceivable pattern that highlights how your product or service could make life easier when once there was hardship or nuisance.
Words Have Power
Online marketing is different from commuter or television marketing because you’re not necessarily weighed down by time. Of course, there are physical time constraints as your advertisement cannot indefinitely continue on and on. But essentially for the consumer, they are more likely to respond to something they connect with or are intrigued by because they have time on their side. They are casually shopping and browsing, thus more open to reading the text in your marketing campaign.
The keywords you use in your campaigns are incredibly important, but there are other techniques you can utilize to make sure even without pointing it out, you can still lure in people who are searching around the ballpark. Explode Your SEO Rankings with LSI Keywords, which are words that are related to the same subject matter, but may not be the direct keywords such as the name or type of product and or service. The encompassing words are therefore targeted, which are more descriptive and definition orientated, allowing you to cast the net wide and snap up casual shoppers that may not be looking for anything specific.
When you go further down the rabbit hole with this kind of technique, it’s important to think about the elements of your business that are different and can be used to allude to your business, rather than pinpoint the features of the product itself.
Viral Sensations
As mentioned in emotional marketing, people want a story, a dignified reason why they should invest in your business. No longer can you simply make up something that wouldn’t correlate with the majority of people, and tug at the heartstrings of consumers. Making a viral advertisement for your business could be the saving grace that you’re looking for.
There is so much freedom to do what you want and act out a scenario that can make your product seem right at home. Think of relatable characters and a real-world situation, whereby something is missing or making life difficult for those involved. The dialogue should be short sharp and straight to the point, which allows you to focus on the issue and the solution for maximum screen time. You should be highlighting the features of your products and services, by showing how you could cut costs, cut time, and most of all reduce hassle.
Many consumers are just looking for convenience in business. Therefore, slide in some references to your online presence and showcase how accessible you are, via an online store, or helpline number, but do so only at the end.
Friendly Social Media
You may have seen this if you are savvy with the online spectrum of social media and consumerism. When businesses or companies acknowledge their fans directly, the customers positively freak out. They are made to feel special and cared for in that instance whereby a supposedly faceless corporation – in their eyes at least – reaches out and talks to them directly.
Having a friendly persona online is absolutely crucial for maintaining a good solid relationship with your loyal fans and those who are watching. Essentially accounts for your business on Twitter, Facebook and Gab are like public platforms where your communication and manners are tested. You are on display so rather than just replying to an individual, offer them assistance by inviting them to direct message you, or in other online speak, ‘DM’ you. It will only take a few minutes out of your day, but the potential for your reputation to spread is high.
The current techniques for marketing online are evolving right before our eyes. Suddenly consumers are connecting with each other and exchanging opinions about products, services and the way companies do business. By taking the extra step and walking further than your competitors, you stand to be much more effective if you go further down the rabbit hole.