If only there was more time in the day to complete all the tasks that need to get done. With the many responsibilities on your plate, this is something you probably think about regularly. While you could spend longer hours in the office to complete your duties, you still need to think about that work-life balance. You don’t want to find yourself working overtime too often! Thankfully, there are ways to manage your time in the day. You can improve your workflow and get your jobs done by following some of the tips below.
Prioritise Your Time
If there are jobs that can be put off until another day, then schedule them into a time when you have less to do elsewhere. Your priority needs to be on those urgent tasks; those jobs that come with a deadline attached. Make a list, not only of daily and weekly tasks, but of those things that need to be done in the longer term. Then prioritise them. This way, you will spend fewer hours in the day wasting time on anything that doesn’t have the same time constraints as other activities.
Remove Distractions
Look at the hours you have in the day, and consider how much time you are wasting on those things that won’t profit your business. The reason why you may run out of time is because you are allowing yourself to get distracted. From Facebook to banter with your coworkers, there may be any number of reasons why you aren’t getting work done to schedule.
To help you eliminate these distractions, read the advice given here, www.thebalancecareers.com/tips-for-dealing-with-distractions-at-work, and you should find yourself with more time each day for the important things you need to concentrate your mind on.
Automate Your Business
While there are some tasks that require your full attention, there may be others that can be automated to help you free up your time elsewhere. For this, you need Business Process Management software – www.bpmonline.com/crm/what-does-bpm-stand-for – to help you accelerate your business processes.
Such software will help you create applications for many of your business needs, and once in place, will automate time-intensive tasks to speed up your daily workflow.
Delegate Some Of Your Duties
Remembering the article we published a short while ago, http://smallbizdad.com/do-you-have-to-do-it-all/, remember that you don’t have to do everything within your business. Curb your inner control-freak and practice the art of delegation.
If there are members of your team better equipped than you at certain tasks, then you will increase your efficiency by handing those jobs over to them. You might also outsource some of your jobs to other firms, especially those that take up too much of your time, as this will allow you to get on with those other duties that need to be completed.
You do have limited time in the day, but by following the advice above, you should be able to get your work done to deadline, and still have time to go home for dinner at a reasonable time in the day. Let us know what you think, and if you have any other time-saving advice, be sure to let us know. After all, we don’t want to spend too many hours in overtime, either.