A wood-burning stove is a traditional yet trendy way to heat your home. It’s ideal for properties that aren’t too large and can heat several floors at once thanks to the chimney. However, getting the hang of running a wood burning stove isn’t always as simple as you would like it to be. There’s a knack to being able to run your fire efficiently, and not have it go out. You don’t want to use more fuel than is necessary because wood can be expensive, and you need the fire to heat your home well so that you don’t need any extra help. If you want to make your stove as efficient as possible, here are a few things you can do.
Know How to Manage Your Fire
Learning how to manage a fire properly is essential if you’re going to have a wood burning stove. People often assume that it’s easy to light a fire and keep it alight, but you need to know what you’re doing. Even if you can get a fire going in no time, you might be surprised by how easily it can go out. You need to get your management of fuel and air just right so you have the correct balance for an efficient fire. Start by making sure your wood is completely dry, then learn how to manage the air. Never close your secondary air vent completely, and don’t leave the door open.
Measure Temperatures
Being able to check the temperature of your stove can help you work out just how efficient it is. Because running an efficient stove fire requires careful management, it makes sense to be able to see how hot it is. When you’re adding more fuel, you’ll be able to keep a close eye on how it’s affecting your fire in real terms. This is ideal when you’re aiming to raise the temperature or your home or perhaps reduce it. If you look for the best magnetic wood stove thermometer, you can put it next to your stove fan. You’ll need to look for a thermometer that can withstand high temperatures.
Keep It Clean
Just like a normal fireplace and chimney, a wood burning stove also needs to be kept clean. This both helps with efficiency and with safety. Experts recommend that you have the chimney swept at the beginning of winter, before you start using your stove more often, and at the end too. Sweeping it at the beginning of winter will help to get rid of any obstructions that might have appeared since you did it last, such as bird nests or other fallen debris. Make sure you generally keep your stove clean too by sweeping out the ashes.
General Maintenance
It’s also a good idea to do a general maintenance check on your stove to make sure it’s all in working order. You can check for damage, such as cracks or holes that might indicate your stove needs patching up. These kinds of things could make it less efficient by letting air escape and might make the stove less safe too.
If you want maximum efficiency from your wood burning stove, make sure you’re familiar with how it works. Being able to manage a fire well is half the work.