Having a man cave either in the spare room of your house or in the shed at the bottom of the garden is a dream for many of us. It is a…
Life After Your Business
Most entrepreneurs can only think about their business. They think about where it can lead them in the future, the challenges that they’ll come across later in life and the rivals they’ll…
Short Educational Courses to Improve Your Business
Now, you may think that education is way behind you; a thing of the past. But you should never completely sweep it under the carpet. Sure, you may learn new things every…
Getting More Rent For Your Commercial Property
Of all the avenues you can go down when it comes to investing in property, buying commercial needs to be at the top if making money is your priority. Why else does…
Fire Starter: Make the Most of Your Wood-burning Stove
A wood-burning stove is a traditional yet trendy way to heat your home. It’s ideal for properties that aren’t too large and can heat several floors at once thanks to the chimney….
Don’t Let A Bad Boss Ruin Your Life
If you spend enough time of your life in employment, then you’re going to come across bad coworkers eventually. If they’re on your level, they can a distraction and a real pain…
Important Considerations to Help Future-Proof Your Company
When was the last time you decided to think about the future of your company? It’s not always about what products you plan to sell or where you plan to expand. Sometimes…
Managing Life Admin When Running A Business AND Raising A Family
Is there any time to do anything anymore? The idea of multitasking seems to be so commonplace in the modern world that there’s no such thing as being productive anymore, more the…