My oldest boy is eleven years old and he is all boy. So I have been thinking about getting him a BB gun for Christmas this year. When you talk about Christmas gifts for boys BB guns are at the top of the list. I remember my dad teaching me how to shoot with my Daisy Red Ryder 30 years ago. I also remember competing in shooting competitions using BB guns with my local 4H club. So if you are wanting a BB gun, Daisy is the way to go. Daisy has been making BB guns for a very long time and they even have partnerships with various organizations (including 4H) where they help educated kids on BB gun safety. Daisy educates roughly one million of America’s youth a year through their Ten Lesson Shooting Curriculum about BB gun use and safety (found here).#ItsADaisy #CollectiveBias
So I headed down to my local Walmart and made my way to the sporting goods section. It didn’t take long at all to find that Red Ryder. I quickly picked it out and I grabbed some Daisy BBs as well. My next item was a necessity….eye protection. Remember the classic movie “A Christmas Story”? “You’ll shoot your eye out kid!!” was the classic line from the movie. So I found some shooting glasses and I was off to the checkout.
BB Catcher
Now that I had the BB gun I needed to make the next part of my gift. One thing I always hated with my BB gun was going through BBs so quickly. So I figured one of the best gifts for boys getting BB guns would be a BB catcher. You can buy these but what fun is that. I decided to make my own using items around my house and it wasn’t that hard at all. Here’s what you need:
- Cardboard box (around 18″ wide and at least 12″ high)
- Duct Tape
- (2) 2 liter bottles
- Box cutter
- spare piece of cardboard
This is a pretty simple design. I cut both 2 liter bottles in half creating 2 “boats”. Then I cut the bottom off of one and the top off of the other. I joined the two pieces with duct tape and this is my “catcher”. It’s nothing fancy and it’s nothing great to look at but it works and that’s what matters.
I placed the bottle long ways in the box. Now that my catcher is good I need to make my back stop. This is where the extra cardboard comes in. I actually covered my cardboard with duct tape to make it a more solid surface.

Next I placed the cardboard behind the catcher with the bottom of the cardboard inside the bottle. This ensures that the BBs don’t fall between the back stop and the catcher. There are some areas on the sides that will not catch the BBs. I could get really fancy and create a funnel shape out of the cardboard but I decided that catching 80% of the BBs would be fine for now. Maybe I’ll improve the design later.

Use duct tape to secure everything. Seriously, I think you can do ANYTHING with duct tape (or duck tape if you prefer). The last step is to take some targets on the front of the box. Click Here to download a target template that you can print out.

When you shoot the box the BBs go through the box (usually) and hit the backstop then drop down into the catcher. When you’re done shooting you can just grab the bottle and the BBs pour out of the spout.
My son loved the gun and he was stoked about the BB catcher since he can reuse his BBs. The cool thing is that when your box wears out (there will be lots of holes in the front) you can get another box and place the bottle and backstop inside of it. We did a test run and the catcher caught 7 out of 10 BBs. Not bad and would have been better if we were better shots. I’d say that’s a pretty good catch rate for a homemade BB catcher (especially one that looks like ours).
About Daisy
In preparing for this post I did some research on Daisy and was very impressed with what I found. Daisy has portable, inflatable gun ranges which they bring to special events and sporting goods stores. Many of the people who shoot at these events are first time shooters. Daisy is very committed to educating people on shooting safety. To this end, they partner with many organizations such as 4H, Royal Rangers, NRA, and various scouting organizations to teach safe shooting. Check out Daisy on Facebook and Twitter for more information.
I’ve really enjoyed spending time with my son teaching him to shoot with his new BB gun. I personally think that a BB gun is one of the best gifts for boys that you can get. So I am doing a giveaway in association with this post. I don’t do a lot of giveaways here on my blog but I think this one is good. I’m giving away a $100 Walmart gift card so that you can purchase your own Daisy BB Gun and accessories.
The giveaway will run for 2 weeks and end at Noon on December 1st. Giveaway is for US residents only (sorry Canada). One quick note, the gift card will not arrive before Christmas so plan accordingly.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nice idea to figure out how to make your own target otherwise they can be expensive to buy.
That’s a great way to catch the BB’s and make your own target.
I would get the BB for my daughter. She is a great shot already and she has a few air pistols. This would be a great addition !
We bought both our boys BB guns last Christmas and they love them! I am definitely sharing the BB catcher idea with my husband. Thanks for the info. Ben.
My boys would love this. My husband would have to teach them gun safety.
My brother had a BB gun when he was younger and used to shoot tin cans.
My little brothers would love a daisy! Thanks for the op!
My 8 year old would love this!
My husband…A Christmas Story is his favorite movie, and he would appreciate a Daisy Red Ryder 🙂
My husband would love this.
My nephews would love a daisy.
I love A Christmas Story! I actually knew a kid who shot his brother’s eye out with a BB gun so safety glasses are a must with kids!
I would gift this to my grandson!
My nephew — all the kiddos in my family have had one and he’s next in line!
I would keep the BB gun for me. It always makes me think of A XMAS Story.
I would give it to my 11 year old Grandson.
I would give this to my son for Christmas
I would give this BB gun to my son.. He has always wanted one of these– but I have been hesitant until a few months ago.
My son is 12. He has a few airsoft guns and he’s been begging me for a BB gun. I think it’s time to move up! I’d give him this BB gun .We can use the catcher as an activity one day, as well!
I would give too our girl, she would love it.
I would give it to my brother. You are never too old to have a BB gun.
I would give it to my son.
I would gift it to my mommy
I would give it to my nephew.
Most likely my niece…she would love it!
I would give one to my nephew.
I would get this for my niece.
I would give to my nephew, since he wants to learn how to hunt eventually
I would give this to my friend’s son
My nephew would like this.
thanks for the chance to win this!
My son just turned nine, so this would be for him.
I would give it to my oldest son. The bb catcher is a great idea!
I would give this to my friend’s son.
I’ll gift a Daisy to my nephew this season.
I would give it to my son for Christmas. 🙂
My daughter would love a BB gun for Christmas.
I would give this to our nephew.
I would love to gift a Daisy to my nephew, he would be so excited to get something like this!!
This would be for my son who’s had fun shooting with his cub scout den
I would give it to my brother.
My eighteen year old brother would like this.
I would be afraid of my son shooting himself in the foot. I always this of a Christmas Story when I see BB guns. 😉
I would give this to my son in a few years.
My brother
I would say my brother!
I would give this to my nephew. He has always loved the sport.
I would gift it to my brother.
I would gift it to my son.
Smart bb catcher I’m gonna make my nephew one. Thanks for the idea.
would give this to my nephew. thankyou, ken
I would give it to my son, he would love it after seeing the movie A Christmas story.
my son ty
i would gift it to my husband.
i would give this to my dad, im sure he would enjoy it
I would give it to my son, he would love it
I would give it to my nephew and brother
I would gift a Daisy to my nephew. He is at the perfect age that he would love this.
I would give it to the boy I babysit.
I don’t know, would have to think about who I would give one to
Oh my goodness my seven year old had this on his Christmas. He wants to start practicing “so I can be as good as daddy and get a deer.
I would give this to my daughter for
Christmas ! She would love it !
I have three sons that would love it.
I would gift it to my husband. He’s been talking about how he had a BB gun as a boy, but hasn’t had one since.
I would gift a Daisy to my boyfriends’ nephew.
I would give it to my nephew.
my daghters father in law
I’d keep it for my 6 year old, and let his Dad teach him how to use a gun.
My grandson- he would luv this..
I will give it to my kids. thx
I agree with you, a BB gun is such a great gift. Kind of a rite of passage. I live in northern Wisconsin and hunting is such a part of life, that I think gun safety is super important and should start very early in age. This would be a very fun gift for my nephew, as well as a way to start the “safety” conversation. His dad is a police officer, and is very busy. I know he has wanted to take him out and teach him about guns, but hasn’t had time. This would be a great bonding time for me and my nephew. 🙂
I would get one and save for my son in a few years! (Due in January.)
I have three sons who all have received Daisy BB guns in the past couple of years- they are the perfect BOY gift! They like to go in our small creek with their dad and learn (safely) what to do and when to do it! They really enjoy the outdoors and it is a perfect way to start out a young boy with the whole hunting adventure!
My son would love this.
I would give it to my son for Christmas.
My grandson
I would gift it to my oldest son for target practice with his grandpa
I would gift it to my nephew. I’m sure he’ll love it.
I would gift a Daisy to my son.
Oh I would love to gift this to my son!! He has always wanted one!
It would go to my son
rc name rochelle johnson
my friends son would love this
I had a Red Ryder way back when I was a kid, and what a thrill it was
Going to shoot your eye out! Thanks
Boy, does this bring back memories. My brother had one and I used it almost as much as he did. I have some great memories with my brother (he passed of cancer a number of years ago). If I win this I’d actually share it with my daughters. I think I’d like to have some fun with it – in memory of my brother, Joe.
It would be for my step son – he’s been asking for one!
I would very cautiously gift it to my son
I’d give my husband one! (posting under wrong name, won’t let me change it!)
id give this to my friends son
I would give it to my son.
I would give it to my daughter to use for Christmas
I would give it to my younger son. He would love to add it to his growing survival collection.
I would give it to my oldest son.
I’d give this to my nephew and tell him that my father had one back in the 1930s. I always thought it was a fictional creation in “A Christmas Story” but no, these have been around FOREVER. If I had a niece, I’d give it to her too. Not necessarily a “boy’s toy” at all.
I would give it to my, to use supervised when we camp.
I would give this to my nephew
To my son.
My husband and I were just talking about getting our son his first BB Gun so I would give it to him.
My brother had a BB gun when we were growing up. He never let me shoot it! 🙂
I would buy one for my grandson. He would love to have one.
I’d Gift A Daisy BB Gun To My Nephew!
My grandson would love to have it
My niece would love it
i would gift it to my nephew braxton
I would gift a Daisy BB Gun to my nephew Joey because he has been wanting one for soooo long!
I would give a Daisy to my son.
I would give it to my nephew.
I received a Daisy BB gun more than 35 years ago as a Christmas present.
I would gift it to my little cousin.
My son would LOVE a Daisy BB Gun!
I would love to get a daisy BB gun
I would give this to my son.
I would give it to my nephew!
I would give it to my oldest son.
I was given a Daisy air rifle almost 25 years ago. I carried it through woods almost daily.
I would give it to my nephew.
I would give it to my great-niece!
I would give the Daisy to my brother
I would give it to a child I know who doesn’t have much.
I dont have a personal bb gun story…just that i used to shoot mine when i was little. me and my cousins just about every sunday at my grandparents house. I would gift it to my nephew!
I’d give it to my nephew.
Oh Lord….my son got a bb gun when he was 14. I wasn’t too happy about it because my hubby didn’t tell me he was giving him one. Anyway…long story short, he didn’t shoot his eye out, but he didn’t use it as “responsible” as he should have! haha
I would give it to my son-in-law.
Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!
I would give it to my nephew.
I would give this to my son . My husband had a BB gun when he was a youngster and had a great time with it out on the farm
I think I would give this to my niece since my daughter is older and it’s not really her thing anymore.
I just saw A Christmas Story, the Musical and it makes me think of this giveaway! I’d get it for my friend who’s about to have a kid. I think he’d like it once he’s old enough.
I would give this to my son, he would love it.
I would give it to my daughter, she would love it. I never had a BB gun!!
Back years ago my dad gave my younger brother a BB gun, but not me because I was a girl. That did not go will. I became the better shot.
I would gift it to my nephew.
I actually have a pellet gun story. My older brothers got pellet guns for Christmas one year….gee thanks Mom and Dad. They constantly scared me and my sister by “trying” to use us as target practice. I was terrified of those guns. They never actually shot us but we were fast. Needless to say, the guns disappeared pretty quickly.
I would gift this to my older son.
now that is a cool BB catcher! I need to make one to go along with our Daisy BB guns! #Client
I would give it to my son 🙂
My brother got a BB Gun for Christmas but he was more interested in playing sports than hunting with dad, so I used it more than he ever did.
I would give my daughter a BB gun for Christmas ) I don’t think she’ll shoot her eye out )
I would gift this to my Niece.
I would gift this to my son.
my son loves to do target practice
I would buy a BB gun for my grandson.
my boys need another one they love bb guns and we are down to one! ty
I would get this for my husband, he can teach our daughter how to use it
I would give it to my daughter
I got hit with a bb when I was young and it hurt so MUCH!!! I cried for what seemed forever!! Then I turned it on the kid that hit me. Needless to say, I had a bb gun for one day… 🙂
I would gift this to my son, I don’t have great memories of BB guns, there were some nasty boys who lived around us.
I’d gift this to my nephew – he’d love it!
Rafflecopter name Barbara Montag
thank you
My husband got a Daisy BB Gun when he was 12. He still has it ! And our kids used it and now our grandkids have fun target shooting with it !
I would give one to my nephew!
We don’t have them where we live in the city.
I would give it to my grandson.
My son had one and when he wasn’t home my 2 OLDER kids(16/17) took the BB gun and shot up the siding on the neighbors house! That was a disaster LOL
My oldest granddaughter has a Daisy B-b gun and I love the b-b catcher and will be sharing this with her, she loves her Daisy and I have a preteen granddaughter who would also like to have one, and they can shoot it our on my property and I would not have to worry about them hitting others.
My sons would enjoy one of these.
I would give it to my granddaughter who just completed the hunter safety course.
I have no BB gun story; I’d give this to my husband’s nephew.
I would give this to my brother in law for Christmas 🙂
i would give it to my friend.
My three grandchildren go out in my backyard and shoot their bb guns. My grandson Trevor’s gun broke last year, so I would give him this gun.
I would give a daisy to my niece.
I would gift it to my son for Christmas
I would give this to a friend.
My nephew 10 asked for a Daisy gun. I’ve never had a bb gun before but my dad had a bb gun when I was a kid, he would shoot crows and racoon getting into the trash.
I would give it to my son!
I would gift it to all my girls to share!
I would give it to my son. A story that has stuck in my head for many years is, my father-in-law had a daisy BB gun and one night my hubby and I was in his shop after he went to bed and I got the BB gun and shot it just messing around, at the ground, the BB bounced up and went in the air just enough to hit the window in his truck and busted it. I did not realize his truck was in shooting distance. He never knew how exactly it got busted, or he didn’t rat me out on it anyway, lol. So I have a fond memory of Daisy, it was funny afterward, not so much at the time though. 🙂
my brother had one when we were kids,so i would give it to him so he can relive the memories
Gift a daisy to my nephew.
My grandson!
I actually don’t know anyone I would give a BB gun to. It would have something for me to have when I was a kid, but I don’t anyone whose child I would give one to.
I would give it to my niece
My son used his BB gun in the house. He use to shoot it into my yarn without my permission. Id be crocheting along and BB’s would start falling out.
I would gift it to my son.
My son for Christmas
I would give this to my son.
My 7 year old son.
I would give it to my grandson
I would get my grandson as long as he only shoot it at targets only , one Time my brothers got a BB gun for Christmas and they went out side shooting it my dad bent over to set some cans up and one shot my dad in the butt and they got the gun taken till they could use it right
I would gift one to my nephew
I have some great grandsons that will be wanting these before long.
My boys like these when they were younger
I would give it to my grandson .He would love it .
i would donate it to toys for tots
My nephew! He’s old enough now to use it responsibly and I’ve told him enough stories about his dad and I having out BB guns he would be so excited
My son would love this!
my son would love this
It would be for my husband.
When I was young my brother got a BB Gun for Christmas. He decided it would be fun to put bottles on top of our back fence and shoot them from the bedroom window. His gun got confiscated after the neighbor whose back window got shot out came and had a talk with my parents. *Ooops!* (thank heavens no one got hurt!)
I would gift it to my God Son! They live on a farm and I know he would love it.
I used to shot bb guns when I was a kid!
My brother used to shoot BB guns when we were kids. He used to go around shootin all kinds of stuff. I was afraid that one of those times he was going end up shootin me with it. So, I made sure I stayed inside when he had his BB gun outside.
For my grandson who is nine
My granddaughter. She loves to hunt and spend time outdoors
I never had a BB gun when I was a kid so I would probably gift it to myself and relive my youth!
Would gift a daisy to my daughter.
Ha, i never had one but we use to live next to my uncle who thought it was funny to stand on his front porch and shoot at us when we walked up LOL good times 🙂
I would give it to my son.
My kids are all older now (14-21) but my three boys used to love messing with their BB guns with their late grandpa. He was the one who always taught them to shoot and they have a lot of great memories of that.
I used to shoot bb guns with my brothers growing up. Fond memories.
We used to play with bb guns all the time when we were kids.
I would always sneak my brother’s BB gun outside and play with it, shooting targets. He wasn’t too pleased that I would take it, and I never figured out how he knew, well it didn’t help that all his BBs were gone.
My grandson – this would be perfect for him to learn about shooting targets – my sons had them and loved it
I would give it to my grandson
I would give this to my nephew. Thanks so much!
My grand daughter
I’d gift it to either myself or my dad. Reason why is we love the movie A Christmas Story and we always talk about getting a red rider carbon air rifle so this would be the next best thing.
I would gift it to my daughter. She would love to learn how to shoot.
I would use the gift card to buy much needed groceries.
I would gift this to my grandson! Thanks
I would gift to my son, he would love to learn how to shoot!
i would buy one for my son and i really never been around a bb gun wasnt aloud to be around any types of gun even though its a bb gun
I would love to get one of these for my daughter
I’d give the bb gun to my little brother ! 🙂
I would gift a Daisy to my little brother
MY brother would love it!
I would gift it to my nephew! He would love it!
i am sure my hubby would play with this!
I would gift a Daisy to one of my older girls.
I think its awesome that Daisy teaches gun safety. I would like to use a Bb gun to teach my granddaughter to shoot
I’d gift a Daisy to my son! I remember my dad taking me to my grandmas when I was young and us shooting cans off the fence 🙂
I would love this for my 12 year old son to learn how to shoot.
I know my hubby would have fun pretending he was 12 again with this! Lol
I would gift one to my 11 yo cousin.
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I would give it to my co-worker’s son who really wants a bb gun!
I would love to win this for my nephews!
i’d give this to my son
I would give this to my 12 year old nephew!
I would give this to my son Andrew thanks
When I was 13 years old, I received my first BB gun. I absolutely loved it, and it was a great opportunity to bond with my father. My niece will be turning 12 this year, and I would love to give her a Daisy as her first BB gun.
my nephew would love this
My almost 9 year old son fell in love with The Christmas Story last Christmas and has since then been begging for one from Santa this year. So this would definitley go to him!
I would give it to my boyfriend for christmas!
I would give it to my husband because he loves the movie The Christmas Story. My sons already have one each that I gave them when they younger.
I would give it to my 6 year old daughter, her older brother had one, now it’s her turn to learn to use one! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would save it for my son when he gets older
My son, he just turned 9 and would love this. 🙂
I would gift it to my son and my dad. So they could use it at the family cabin.
I would love to give this to my nephew.
I would definitely give it to my son. He’d love it. Thanks for the chance.
I would save this and give to my grandson to use under the supervision of his grandfather when he comes to the country to visit. He lives in Philadelphia.
I love the movie Christmas Story with the Red Rider BB Gun. “You’ll shoot your eye out!” My father told us that was his Christmas wish when he was a boy and his mom told him the same thing. I would probably gift it to him. 🙂
I would save this for my 5 yr grandson. He is about at the age that with supervision he can start practicing shooting.
I would gift it to my son
I would gift a Daisy to my nephew.
I would give it to my son.
I would give the gift to my half brothers son who
Is 9
Years old
I would give this to my nephew
I would gift this to my nephew.
Would give one to my grandson
When I was around 9 year’s old, my brother and I were outside in the front yard. I was playing with our baby duck’s and my brother was playing with his BB gun, he didn’t think too long about the fact that shooting at a cardboard box in front of the patio window would be a bad mistake. Although he made his target, the patio window shattered.
I would gift one to my nephew! He would go nuts over one of these!
I would give a Daisy to my daughter. I know she would enjoy it.
I would gift a Daisy to my nephew.
I would gift this to my brother.
I would give this to my brother in law… he would think it was great!
I would give this to my little brother!
I would give it to my nephew.
I’d buy a Daisy BB gun for my grandson.
I would buy a Daisy BB gun for my nephew. My son has one and he loves it!
Let’s hope he doesn’t get shot by the police. Oh what am I saying.