When you start a business, it’s important that you take responsibility for your actions. Any decision you make is going to have a huge effect on the people around you. You might…
Category: Employees
You’re Fired! When Is It The Right Time To Let An Employee Go?
Generally speaking, you should avoid firing your employees as much as possible. Explore all other options before finally calling them into your office and letting them go. Why? Because you need to…
Empty Employee Talent Pool? Attract Candidates From Overseas
Hiring employees for your business is never going to be an easy task. As much as you might wish it, it’s unlikely that the right person is going to come strolling through…
Employee Irritations Your Small Business Needs To Avoid
If you want your business to do well, there’s a simple fact you have to keep in mind: your staff need to be happy. This is all the more important in a…
4 Reasons Why Your Employees Won’t Stay
Nobody likes to watch their employees go. For a start, recruiting a new employee is a costly business and can take a lot of time. But there’s also deeper problem behind each…
How Much Are You Investing In Your Employees?
As a business owner, there is one thing that you will have to realize incredibly quickly: you can’t do it all on your own. Sure, if your business is exceptionally small then…
People Power: Your Employees
Something that can be easily overlooked, especially in the small business world is how important people are to your success. I’m not just talking about the people that follow you on Instagram…
Pay Attention to Employee Comfort
People don’t often think that work and comfort are compatible concepts. Some may make the argument that work is, well, work. You’re at an office, not a spa. You’re here to work,…